Thursday 14 April 2011

Final Locations

nash drive broomfield
school lane broomfield - jo's conservatory
school lane great leighs

For our filming we need 3 homes to film inside, we ultimately decided to use our own homes so that permissions would not be an issue. We chose to film outside of 2 houses that we felt the mise-en-scene suited the couple most.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Final Magazine Cover

Here is a link to my individual blog and my final magazine front cover :

I chose this front cover out of the other magazine ideas because it is bright, and it will attract my target audience. Also, the pictures are good to attract people to the storylines.

Final Poster for our Soap Opera

Here is the poster that I created for my individual blog:

I chose this poster because I think it has all the correct information for viewers on it, and also I think that because it shows the characters on the front, the audience might be more inclined to watch it as it is a new programme.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Soap Opera Trailer Rough Draft

Soap Opera Magazine Cover Final

Soap Opera Magazine Cover Final

Final Soap Opera Poster Cover

Soap Opera Poster Final

Soap Opera Magazine Cover Draft 2

Emmaline Soap Opera Mag


By showing my poster too my class mates I established a large amount of feedback for my poster. They felt it was good that we had used bright and bold colours as this conforms to typical Magazine Cover conventions. But I was advised to change the banner to something that conformed more to the typical style of a Magazine article such as just a block square. Magazine covers are always usually very busy and there are space that still needed to be filled with either pictures or bold sub-titles that drew the readers attention. As well as this the writing of 'Will Brad steal Jessica off of Patrick needed to be resized or re-written to fit in the space provided. The price of the magazine needed to be made clearer and to fit with conventions of a magazine article it would be a good idea to put a banner at the top of the page showing other storylines than the one featured or from other soaps. The name of the soap opera that the storyline was taken from and that was featured needed to be made more obvious to the audience or it would defeat the object of using the magazine cover as a marketing technique. I was praised for the 'Prime TV' star idea as my peers said it was eye catching and unique to specifically that magazine but the positioning needed to be adjusted so that it did not block any of the important images from the cover. I however do not need to add a date, bar code or issue number as that was similarly already done and positioned and sized accordingly to the article. The sub-title of 'BEST FRIENDS GIRL' made good use of punctuation which soap opera magazine often do for emphasis and is a typical code and convention. I will be sure to use my peers opinions and advice to better my magazine article in order to match criteria.

Soap Opera Poster Draft 2

Soap Opera Poster Draft 2


By my peers I was told I used the colours well to portray and dark and mysterious effect to the soap opera at the same time classy and the colours were contrasting between the images of 'Patrick' and 'Jessica' The placing of images worked effectively as 'Patrick' is looking down on 'Jessica' which is effective to storyline. It also shows a polaroid which represents a moment in time where 'Brad' shown, the polaroid is placed in the middle connoting Brad is getting in the middle of Patrick and Jessica s relationship. I was given feedback to use more than one polaroid showing different moments in the storyline as it would fill up space on the poster and not leave wide gaps where nothing happened. The writing was effective and by using white text on a black background it contrasted and was easy to read, the 'week nights 7 on channel 4' were using a type writer which I found effective as it connoted a newspaper which is informative which is idea behind the poster. 'Façade Manor' i used elaborative writing to represent the 'elaborateness' of the characters in Façade manor.