Monday 27 September 2010

Rough Plan For Soap Opera Trailer

We put forward ideas of the snippets of drama in our soap that we wish to be displayed in our trailer to draw in the audience. We wish to use 3 main storylines and seemingly happy relationships. We will then show how behind closed the doors the relationships are not so perfect. The soap opera will begin with a persons view (as if the audience are part of the soap opera) walking down a street of houses. Standing outside each house will be a family looking happy, the scene will then change to display the drama going on in their private life. contrasting with the happiness the orgininally displayed.


Emma-Lousie and Victor looking happy holding hands
The drama unfolding will be Rochella Wembridge telling Victor she's pregant with his child
Emma-Louise takes comfort on Mrs Jarvis' shoulder as she is aware that Victor has been unfaithful.


Jessica and Patrick are the streets young beautiful couple who appear to have a strong stable relationship and are happy.
A close family friend of the couple and Patricks oldest best friend Brad tells Jessica he's in love with her and trys to kiss her.
Patrick threatens Brad to stay away from his girlfriend Jessica


Mr and Mrs Jarvis are the streets older well off conventional couple and seemingly get on well with the rebellious youth Leo, who is seen mowing there lawn for them out of what appears to be neighbourly kindness.
They comfort each other as behind closed doors Leo is blackmailing them after discovering they have a secret son who conveniently lives on the street.

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