Wednesday 15 September 2010

Analysis of Questionnaire Results


Questionaire Results Analysis

From our questionnaire results I have analysed that the most popular of the main soap operas (Eastenders, Hollyoaks, Coronation Street, Emmerdale, Doctors and Neighbours) was Eastenders. This may be because it’s easily relatable to all types of people due to the wide variety of characters. The second most popular was Coronation Street which concurs with this reasoning as Coronation Street has a very similar set up to Eastenders. Hollyoaks was then most 3rd most popular with my participants. This may have been more popular because the majority of volunteers I questioned were teenagers and young adults and Hollyoaks is mainly targeted to this audience. Emmerdale was the 4th most popular, this may be because it is set in the country side which is not a similar surrounding to where my participants lived there for it may be more difficult to emphasise with the surroundings of that soap. Neighbours and Doctors were equally the least chosen and also possibly the hardest for my volunteers to emphasise with as none are ‘doctors’ or live in Australia (where neighbours is set). These findings seem to hint that soaps are more popular with an audience that can relate to the setting and characters.
It can be certain that our soap opera trailer will be a positive to our soap opera as 80% of the participants agreed that a trailer would encourage them to watch soap. This is important as it means the popularity of our soap opera may be dependant on the effectiveness of the trailer there for making it important to produce a popular piece.
It will be important for us to make sure that we make our storylines clear and attractive to an audience through our soap opera trailer as 70% of the participants said the main reason they are attracted to watching a soap opera is due to a storyline that interests them. 20% said that they continue to watch soap operas out of routine, but it is still important for these viewers to watch a trailer so they are equally as curious to the upcoming storylines as a viewer that does not usually watch the soap. 10% said that they would watch a soap opera due to a specific character. Although this isn’t a large percentage of the participants it still shows that to attract some of the audience it is important to have clear well rounded characters that viewers can aspire to be like, develop emotional attachments too and emphasise with.
We established that the importance of a relatable soap applies to 60% of our participants which means over half of our viewers want to watch characters similar to themselves or going through similar situations. However it is also important to have elaborate characters that do not remind viewers of themselves so that they feel they can have a ‘break’ from their day to day lives.
60% of our participants agreed that they watch soap operas with their family. Which means that we have to use family friendly storylines which are not graphic and could offend viewers. We must use characters that are young and can relate with a younger audience as well as a more adult audience and their storylines must match to these. 30% would watch soap operas with their partner which shows that it is important to have some romantic storylines that couples (old and young) can emphasise with. 10% would watch soap operas on their own which shows how watching a show can be a ‘release’ and a break in day. This makes it important that we make our soap opera enticing so that viewers fix their whole concentration on it and they are more likely to watch the soap repeatedly.

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