Wednesday 20 October 2010

Shot Lists

We created a original shot list of our actual soap opera trailer and the places we planned to film. We tried to include as much detail as possible so that we could be accurate when we were filming.

Shot List for Soap Opera Trailer

shot list for soap opera poster

Poster Idea

After looking on the internet, I have found a UK street sign and then I just changed the writing on the inside of the sign to 'Fascade Manor' which is the name of our soap. This is also the name of the street that our soap is going to be filmed down therefore we thought this would be a good soap poster idea. It is quick and simple, and it gives off the idea that the soap opera is about a neighbourhood. Also, I have included when the soap is on, and at what time therefore I have covered those aspects briefly. If this was up on a billboard, when people see it they will concentrate on just the writing, therefore when 'Fascade Manor' is out they will realise and remember seeing it.
Without having any characters in it, makes it easier to look at because if someones looking at this quick, they will concentrate mainly on the most important points and that is the writing. However, if we had a really busy poster, with loads of characters then people wouldn't be able to take in all the important information at once.

Rough Ideas For Soap Opera Poster

We decided our poster should be simple and straight to the point of what it is designed to be advertising. However it should not be as obvious as a magazine cover and simply hint at the storylines in order to attract the viewer and be curious. The only text will be 'NOBODY KNOWS WHAT GOES ON BEHIND CLOSED DOORS" which does not give away the storylines however does hint that all is not what it seems in this soap opera. This represents the hidden lives of all the characters in the soap. In the bottom right corner we should have written the soap name 'Fascade Manor' so that the viewer is immeadietly aware of what soap it is the posters advertising. We will use quite a dark smokey affect on the poster that will connote the mystery of the storylines. These will seperate photos of the long-mid shot of Rochella and Victor. Rochella looking smug with herself and the photo of Emma-Louise close up looking distraught crying with mascara down her face as a back-ground image. These combined contrast of emotions create curiousity in the storyline and is designed to draw attention to the soap opera.

The poster will use sterotypical colours and will use alot of black which has connotations of darkness and creates drama and tension. The bottom left of the poster the image will dennote brighter colours such as greens and blue's. This will contrast the rest of the black there for signifiying the 'fascade' we wish our soap opera to portray. The bottom left background image will be the 3 characters involved in the storyline being advertised standing hands on hip. Their facial expressions will connote the issues their characters are facing there for reflecting the drama. For the key image we used the idea of verisimilatude as the characters images are of Jessica and Brad in a natural position. This will create a more realistic feel to the soap and make it easier for the audience to identify with. The image will be a close up of Brad attempting to kiss Jessica which is the disruption in the plot that causes the tension in the storyline orgininally so is important to advertise. The heading 'nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors' is designed to be catchy and create curiousity. Strongly indicating that there are secrets in the plot of 'Fascade Manor'. The 'Fascade Manor' logo will be large and bold in the bottom right of the poster to make it clear to any potential audience which soap opera it is that is intruging them. The top right in smaller but still bold and bright writing the times and dates the soap opera is being shown will be written as it is similarly important to ensure viewers.

Rough Ideas For Magazine Covers

After analysing a soap opera magazine cover, Jo created one idea for a magazine cover. Typical bold letters were used for the magazine name to create an eye catching feel. There were similarly smaller boxes at the top advertising Coronation Street, Eastenders and Emmerdale as well as the main feature of the cover being our soap opera 'Fascade Manor'. A large key image of 'Rochella' winking is used. Her facial expression dennotes her seductive characteristics and with being towards the reader which includes the reader automatically and draws them in to picking up the magazine as it connotes potential drama. Keeping witht the 'rule of 3' there will be 3 images of 'potential fathers' which will also attract potential watchers as it will increase curiousity in watching the programe to find out who the father is. The title concers with tthe stereotype of using punctuation to create drama, such as '!' and '?'. The exclamation mark is used to represent a feel that the title is being shouted at you and the question mark leaves the reader questioning the statement being made. 'who's is it?'. Below 'BABY SHOCK' is similarly put into capital letters as this should be the most eye catching text on the cover. It is likely with using colours we would use a common theme such as yellows, white and black and the 'BABY SHOCK' text would probably contrast and be forced to stand out by using a red colour. The red colour would be used to symbolise love and possible violence as it typically connotes blood. This generic convention and used regularly with posters and magazines.

My plan was slightly simpler and less detailed as it was our first copy. The title of the magazine will be bold in the corner still however other soap operas are not featured at all on the cover. The sub-text will be bold 'SECRET SON' in capital letters being immeadietly eye catching and drawing to the reader this will similarly connotes the drama of the storyline. 'SHOCK' in the bottom right of the corner is designed to give a similar affect. There will be to images on either side of the sub-heading banner. One of the Jarvis couple with which the storyline will be based around and another back ground image of their potential son. This could be improved by prehaps using more of the grammer to create curiousity and the drama desired. Smaller sub-headings would have been more affective to advertise the storyline. The colours again would be a common theme such as yellow, white, black and red to stick with generic codes and convetios. They are all colours that are bright and eye catching and also contrast each other in order to stand out.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Filming Schedule

filming schedule

Final Cast Choices

For our final cast choice of 'Brad' we have chosen Scott Palmer. We chose him beause he is we feel conventonally good looking, clean cut and comes across aas a typical 'cheeky' jack the lad. We feel he bares comparison with the character of 'Leon Small' from Eastenders who we used as inspiraton for 'Brad'.
For 'Jessica' and 'Patrick' we chose Harry Fishwick and Jo Roberts. It was felt that the pair looked like a conventional couple with a moderate amout of money. Neither looks shabby but Harry has longer hair representing his less superficial nature to the rest of the cast. Jo has a dark auborn coloured hair style which is the similar look to 'Maria' from Coronation Street whom we based her character on.

The characters of 'Patrick' and 'Rochella' were chosen to be played by Tom Legresely and India Gothard. We chose India because we felt she was conventionally good looking with a slightly medditeranian look which would benefit the characters 'exotic' and 'seductive' nature. She is also small which contrasted with her baby bump and drew attention towards it also. We chose Tom because we felt he looked well kept which was vital for the character of Victor, he was also bigger built which presented him as more masculine as we wish the character of Vicor to be.

I decided to play the part of Emma-Louise as we felt it important for it to be played by a blonde girl with paler skin to connote her innocence and naive nature to the social world she has been entered in. We felt the other audtions for this part did not reflect the characters facade of innocence with a darker layer to her underneath.



Organisation of Actors - Auditions and Casting

We created posters to stick around our school to advertise for actors and actress' for our soap opera. The audtions were to take place in the drama studio on December the 11th at 1.30pm. We assigned 10 minute slots for each character as their were 6 characters to audition so that all together the auditions took 1 hour. This is an example of the poster that we used to advertise for our cast:


Costume Information



Victor Rolfe - Will be dressed in a dark jacket as he will have wanted to wear something he is least likely to be noticed in whilst travelling to visit Rochella. The dark colours also convey the dramatic storyline and the fact that his character has done wrong and is in a mess. On his bottom half however he will be wearing jeans as although he is typically a smart business man but he will have come from home in the part of the trailer and probably did not have enough time to change. It also represents his laid back attitude and lack of morals that have resulted in him in the situation he is.
Brad - Brad will be dressed in greys and blues and a male cardigan. The cardigan will be quite classy to represent the wealth he has possession of. He will be dressed quite relaxed and laid backed like his attitude towards life as he is a 'jack the lad' type character. This will be shown with a simply t-shirt in comparison to other male characters that are dressed in suits and shirts as they are a lot more caring about their appearance and how they are perceived in the social and business world.
Jessica - Jessica will be dressed casually as she does not work and just stays at home but will be up to date with the latest fashions. She will be dressed in a stylish and class brown jacket and a cream top underneath with a cream hat whilst she's outside. The cream and white will represent the innocence of the character and her sweetness with an angelic like nature.
Rochella - Rochella will be dressed similarly to Victor in black with white underneath but the whiteness will not represent her as innocent but as her baby bump as 'innocent' as due to her promiscuous nature she has got pregnant. The black and the white will contrast and connote good versus bad, which is also represented with the baby and Rochella. He hair will be down and long as she is portrayed as an attractive 'sexy' character and this is a typical stereotype and makes Rochella look groomed.
Patrick - Patrick will be dressed in a plain but smart grey jumper. This will connote his seriousness and the seriousness of what he has just found out about his supposed best friend. His wealth will be shown by his his shirt collar from underneath the jumper and will also add a slightly smarter element to his character.

Lighting Information

Tuesday 12 October 2010


Script #2
Façade Manor

Scene #1
(Victor and Emma-Louise holding hands, and looking lovingly into each others eyes)
(Rochella and Victor are arguing)

ROCHELLA: Victor, I’m pregnant!!
VICTOR: I know you are, everyone knows you are!
ROCHELLA: (now crying) it’s your Vic.

Scene #2
(Emma-Louise is crying on Mrs Jarvis’ shoulder, whilst Mrs Jarvis’ tried her best to comfort her)

EMMA-LOUISE: He’s cheating on me!

(Victor and Emma-Louise holding hands, and looking lovingly into each others eyes)

Scene #3
(Jessica and Patrick standing together, laughing lovingly at one another. Brad then walks up the garden path, and the couple wave at him. Brad then waves back)
(Jessica arguing with Brad, after Brad has just tried to kiss her)

JESSICA: Just stop it Brad, I can’t deal with this and I’m with Patrick, you know that.
BRAD: I can’t stop Jess, I’m in love with you and I want nothing more than to be with you.

(Brad then tries to kiss Jessica again, but Jessica moves his hand from her face)
(Brad and Patrick are arguing about Jessica, and then Patrick punches Brad)

PATRICK: You were my best friend, more like a brother. I trusted you. You stay away, stay away from her!

(Jessica and Patrick standing together, laughing lovingly at one another)

Scene #4
(Mr and Mrs Jarvis are standing by the car, looking content and happy with each other – Leo Brown is mowing their front lawn for them)
(Mr Jarvis is arguing with Leo about the secret that he knows)

LEO: I want the money I’ve been promised.
MR JARVIS: I haven’t got it. You can’t blackmail us anymore.
LEO: Then your son….WILL find out.

(Mr and Mrs Jarvis are standing by the car, looking content and happy with each other)

Scene #5
(Front door slams shut and the screen turns black, the Façade Manor signpost shows)

NARRATOR: Who knows what goes on behind closed doors, until you’re a part of it? Façade Manor, Monday nights at 10.00, only on E4.

Animatic Storyboard

Animatic Storyboard

Photogaphic Storyboard

Photographic Storyboard