Tuesday 19 October 2010

Costume Information



Victor Rolfe - Will be dressed in a dark jacket as he will have wanted to wear something he is least likely to be noticed in whilst travelling to visit Rochella. The dark colours also convey the dramatic storyline and the fact that his character has done wrong and is in a mess. On his bottom half however he will be wearing jeans as although he is typically a smart business man but he will have come from home in the part of the trailer and probably did not have enough time to change. It also represents his laid back attitude and lack of morals that have resulted in him in the situation he is.
Brad - Brad will be dressed in greys and blues and a male cardigan. The cardigan will be quite classy to represent the wealth he has possession of. He will be dressed quite relaxed and laid backed like his attitude towards life as he is a 'jack the lad' type character. This will be shown with a simply t-shirt in comparison to other male characters that are dressed in suits and shirts as they are a lot more caring about their appearance and how they are perceived in the social and business world.
Jessica - Jessica will be dressed casually as she does not work and just stays at home but will be up to date with the latest fashions. She will be dressed in a stylish and class brown jacket and a cream top underneath with a cream hat whilst she's outside. The cream and white will represent the innocence of the character and her sweetness with an angelic like nature.
Rochella - Rochella will be dressed similarly to Victor in black with white underneath but the whiteness will not represent her as innocent but as her baby bump as 'innocent' as due to her promiscuous nature she has got pregnant. The black and the white will contrast and connote good versus bad, which is also represented with the baby and Rochella. He hair will be down and long as she is portrayed as an attractive 'sexy' character and this is a typical stereotype and makes Rochella look groomed.
Patrick - Patrick will be dressed in a plain but smart grey jumper. This will connote his seriousness and the seriousness of what he has just found out about his supposed best friend. His wealth will be shown by his his shirt collar from underneath the jumper and will also add a slightly smarter element to his character.

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