Wednesday 20 October 2010

Rough Ideas For Magazine Covers

After analysing a soap opera magazine cover, Jo created one idea for a magazine cover. Typical bold letters were used for the magazine name to create an eye catching feel. There were similarly smaller boxes at the top advertising Coronation Street, Eastenders and Emmerdale as well as the main feature of the cover being our soap opera 'Fascade Manor'. A large key image of 'Rochella' winking is used. Her facial expression dennotes her seductive characteristics and with being towards the reader which includes the reader automatically and draws them in to picking up the magazine as it connotes potential drama. Keeping witht the 'rule of 3' there will be 3 images of 'potential fathers' which will also attract potential watchers as it will increase curiousity in watching the programe to find out who the father is. The title concers with tthe stereotype of using punctuation to create drama, such as '!' and '?'. The exclamation mark is used to represent a feel that the title is being shouted at you and the question mark leaves the reader questioning the statement being made. 'who's is it?'. Below 'BABY SHOCK' is similarly put into capital letters as this should be the most eye catching text on the cover. It is likely with using colours we would use a common theme such as yellows, white and black and the 'BABY SHOCK' text would probably contrast and be forced to stand out by using a red colour. The red colour would be used to symbolise love and possible violence as it typically connotes blood. This generic convention and used regularly with posters and magazines.

My plan was slightly simpler and less detailed as it was our first copy. The title of the magazine will be bold in the corner still however other soap operas are not featured at all on the cover. The sub-text will be bold 'SECRET SON' in capital letters being immeadietly eye catching and drawing to the reader this will similarly connotes the drama of the storyline. 'SHOCK' in the bottom right of the corner is designed to give a similar affect. There will be to images on either side of the sub-heading banner. One of the Jarvis couple with which the storyline will be based around and another back ground image of their potential son. This could be improved by prehaps using more of the grammer to create curiousity and the drama desired. Smaller sub-headings would have been more affective to advertise the storyline. The colours again would be a common theme such as yellow, white, black and red to stick with generic codes and convetios. They are all colours that are bright and eye catching and also contrast each other in order to stand out.

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