Wednesday 20 October 2010

Poster Idea

After looking on the internet, I have found a UK street sign and then I just changed the writing on the inside of the sign to 'Fascade Manor' which is the name of our soap. This is also the name of the street that our soap is going to be filmed down therefore we thought this would be a good soap poster idea. It is quick and simple, and it gives off the idea that the soap opera is about a neighbourhood. Also, I have included when the soap is on, and at what time therefore I have covered those aspects briefly. If this was up on a billboard, when people see it they will concentrate on just the writing, therefore when 'Fascade Manor' is out they will realise and remember seeing it.
Without having any characters in it, makes it easier to look at because if someones looking at this quick, they will concentrate mainly on the most important points and that is the writing. However, if we had a really busy poster, with loads of characters then people wouldn't be able to take in all the important information at once.

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